Atheist, you proclaim,
there is no God...
But, have you considered,
you have not allowed
His love, to touch your heart?
Have you thought, that the view you take....
Could very well, be a mistake...
Because, in your reality,
Which you consider intellectually
You really, cannot see Spiritually?
Have you thought about life and death
And though you may at this point,
experience health
Are you sure that
at the end you will just die
Or are you believing the lie....
the devil does send
That there is nothing after this?
But there is....
If you believe in the name of Jesus
Let me share, a little of my testimony
For, I was lost, and could not see
Deny God, not exactly.....
But I would not submit
To his authority....but that was
just as bad, in all probability
Until his truth, set me free
I thought, I knew it all...
Until, I took a fall....and found myself,
Down and out, without, wornout,
and not knowing my whereabouts within
There was darkness, there was sin
Being totally in exhaust,
I could see I was lost
But there was one
Who would take my loss,
Who paid the cost, at Pentecost
I am talking about Jesus Christ,
the Son of the living God
The King of Kings...
There is a time, and place
in each person's life
Where circumstance,
cannot be taken by a chance
Where one, must truly take a stance
To choose, between good and evil
And to choose the latter,
can be detrimental and fatal
How do I know?....
Because spiritually, I see the difference,
and I have grown....
And then again, this is something,
The Lord to me, has shown
When you hit bottom,
emotionally, and spiritually
and all is not well...
And you feel like life is Hell...
That could be a prompting....
Of the holy spirit,
and if you hear it....
Perhaps, you can have a
change of heart...
If to these words, they do impart...
You know something is wrong...
And if you think you are strong....
You may still wonder, in curiosity
What will be, after life ceases to be....
How can you know for sure?....
When you ponder on the Love of God
The Love he has, that is ever so pure
You can get on the right path,
And will avoid his wrath....
We walk by faith and not by sight
And in his truth, we find the light
That is right, in the darkness of night
If I could leave you with a thought of this
I ask that you ponder, on Christ Jesus....
He was more than a man
Sent by God, for his plan
He took this loss, on the cross
He took my sins, that were within
So, I in this life, and after...
had a way to begin...
He was crucified, died,
and was buried
but on the third day....
He found his way....
And made a way....
And If we can understand...
And in faith believe....
He promises he will never leave
I know this to be true
For as I repented, I was made new
Discernment, by his holy spirit
With a joy and a peace...
That daily, does increase
Now think about eternity
Where will you be....
If I am right, and you do not see
You will not be free
But spend eternity
In a place without his grace
In the place called hell
For those who disobey, for those
who do not choose his ways...
For those to him, they do not pray...
He promises this by his word....
Even now, I hope you have heard
For you will wish, you had never fell
to that which you feel is rational
and had listened,
To these words, to you "Atheist"
I do tell....
Atheist...Not On God's list
Because you insist, to deny him
The greatest of sins
For he is the great and mighty
"I AM"
Elohim, is only one of his names
And to deny him, it is a shame
For, HE Who created you,
Created you to praise his name...
Atheist, I wish you well.....
But more than anything,
I pray a revelation
For your Salvation.....
Before it is too late
Before, you seal your fate.....
Atheist, you can still get on God's list
The Book of Remembrance
If you take a chance...to believe....
Before this earth, you do, leave....
By Elena Ramirez
November 28, 2005
All Copy Rights Reserved
If you can help me publish
these works, please e-mail me
For the glory of God....
prayerofgod@comcast.net http://home.comcast.net/~prayerofgod/index.html
Psalm 53:1
The fool hath said
in his heart, There is
no God. Corrupt
are they, and have done abominable iniquity:
there is none
that doeth good.
Romans 3:23
For all have sinned,
and come short
of the glory of God;
1 John 3:23
And this is his
commandment, That we
should believe on the
name of his Son
Jesus Christ, and love one another,
Father, I pray for the atheist,
for those who do not believe,
who cannot see, and know,
your mercy and kindness.
For the soul, that does not know,
Your compassion, that
sometimes surpasses all
understanding....Yet, when
that mercy has been bestowed,
upon the soul that seeks you,
there is a refreshing, there is
a joy, and a peace, that is
undescribable,to know you
the Lord, God Almighty.
The Creator, of heaven and earth...
Yes, I pray for those that do not
know you, and pray, that you in
your mercy, would speak to them,
maybe even by a
Message of Hope, and
they would know.
There is a God, and you are
wonderful, and you, my Lord, are able,
when all else fails...Let
them see you for the sake of
their salvation! Lord, be glorified.
For I once was a soul, lost, but now, I am found.
And you are my King, my Savior,
my Friend, my Counselor, My great protector,
my provider, my wisdom,
and so much more. There is none like you.
I offer my adoration and
praise, for your honor,
and glory to be revealed.
In my life, for I was blind,
spiritually, but now I see...
Yes, God Almighty...
I thank you...I believe,
In Jesus name, Amen
Atheist, you may want to check this link out....
Before it is too late.....
You never know, when death will
knock on your door...
Do you really want to take that chance?http://home.comcast.net/~prayerofgod/prayerofsalvationlink1.htm
Elena RamirezPrayer of God MinistriesP.O. Box 1033Wheatridge, CO 80034
This is My Goal
in writing a Prayer of Hope:
1. To Bring glory to God.
2. To inspire God's children.
3. To speak a word of truth to the lost.
If you are able, or know someone who
is able to publish these works, for the
above reasons. Or who
can give me a job writing.
Please contact me.
God will bless you.
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