(A Resurrection Prayer for Easter)
In the newness of this day
I seek you Lord and pray
Reminded of your sacrifice
That you gave of your life
As I bow my knee
I Thank you Lord, that I am free
How my heart yearns, to be in your will
To release my heart, spirit, thoughts
Not by circumstance, and not by chance
No matter what I feel
Trusting you make a way
In this prayer, I pray
Thankful, for all that you give
That in this life, that I do live
This sinner, you do forgive
Praying that I would not offend, Not even one
Because of Christ the Son
For in His life, the battle is won
Lord, Lift those, whose burden is heavy
And praying Lord, in seeking you,
Their hearts would be merry
Heal those, that are Ill
And may it be revealed, by your stripes
We are healed...
Comfort those whose hearts have been broken
By your spirit, may it be spoken
Touch hearts, to know you
For there is no other heart as true
Then that of you....
Let them see
In your Resurrection, there is a Victory!
Bless, as we confess
For in the promises that you have given
There is hope, in our living
To live life, complete
To know, by your blood, the enemy we can defeat
We can take authority, in your righteousness
Translated from darkness
To live with more, and not less
Never having to second guess...
Content, for thy word, you have sent
For by Faith, in you
Blessings can come true
In the newness of this life that you give to me
Lord, I pray, Let others see Christ in me
And may you my Lord, receive all glory
Let me walk, and talk with you
My desire, this whole day through
This is the prayer, I pray today
For in your love, my Lord, I love
With my mind, set on things above
For when we walk and talk with Christ
We find our way.....
Not led astray, No thoughts of yesterday
Watching the words we say
For at such a great cost, you my Lord, did pay
Believing in your Resurrection
I know, secure, is my Salvation
Let me be reminded of your sacrifice
That you gave me life, you deliver me from strife
That you went to the cross
That you took my loss
What better way, to start
the newness of day?
As I seek you Lord, and pray
For by your Resurrection
I have now, Intervention
A heart that is full....
I am grateful
By Elena Ramirez
All Copy Rights Reserved
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written Easter week
April 3, 2007
Father, this is my prayer
as I give thanks, for your great
sacrifice. For you gave of your life.
Lord, may my prayers bring you glory.
This is my hearts desire. As I
am reminded of your great
sacrifice, now at Easter.
Your Resurrection, brings life,
bring life to us all abundantly.
As we seek you, and take a moment
and pray....May this be our prayer,
all day, to be near and to behold
your power, in our lives.
In Jesus name, Amen
Acts 4:33
And with great power gave
the apostles witness
of the resurrection of the
Lord Jesus: and great grace
was upon them all.
Phillipians 3:10
That I may know him,
and the power of his resurrection,
and the fellowship of his sufferings,
being made conformable unto his death;
I Peter 1:3-6
Blessed be the God
and Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ, which according
to his abundant mercy
hath begotten us again
unto a lively hope
by the resurrection
of Jesus Christ from the dead,
and undefiled, and that
fadeth not away,
reserved in heaven for you,
Who are kept by the power
of God through
faith unto salvation ready
to be revealed in the last time.
prayerofgod@comcast.net e-mail http://home.comcast.net/~prayerofgod/index.htmlMain web page to order your Prayer of HopePoetry, scripture, and prayer, to inspire weekly.http://home.comcast.net/~prayerofgod/prayerofsalvationlink1.htmSalvation Prayer to share, freely, for those unsaved.
Elena Ramirez
Prayer of God Ministries
P.O. Box 1033
Wheatridge, CO 80034
My Mission in writing a Prayer of Hope:
1. To give glory to God.
2. To inspire God's children
3. To speak a word of truth to the Lost