For all that you have done for us
Today, on this good Friday
I am reminded of your sacrifice
That on this day, you gave of your life
That you went on the cross
and took the loss
You took my sins, that darkness within
You set me free, for now and eternity
Each stripe that you did take
You did for my soul sake
You took my infirmities
Healing me....
For now and eternity
I need to see, and this gratefully,
It is you Lord, in this who deserves all glory
All Honor and all Praise
For the rest of my life, in all my days
I want to find a way
To bless you as well.....
For Delivering this soul from torturous hell
For making a way
As I seek you and pray
Lord, for all that you have done
The true Son of God alone
In your mercy and compassion you have shown
How great and wonderful your love is for all
You made a way, so we would not fall
If we only seek you and call on your name
We can live, for you do forgive
Delivered from shame
Lord, words are truly not enough
To express this love
That I feel
This emotion, comes with devotion
For as I look to the cross and see
I bow down, on bended knee
And hope you see
I am grateful, for now and eternity.....
I thank you Lord Jesus
For in thankful revelation
I have received my Salvation....
By Elena Ramirez
written on Good Friday
April 10th 2009
All copy rights reserved
Father, truly I thank you and praise you.
For your sacrifice of love and compassion
you took for my soul, and for all who would seek
you. As a way, into Gods Kingdom.
You are the lamb of God, who takes the
sins of the world...The great
lion of Judah. Someday you will
return, and all will bow, and confess, that you
are Lord. Thank you for taking
the keys from the enemy, for our souls.
For we all sin, and come short of your
glory. I know, you are truly the son
of God, and I just thank you and praise you.
In your precious name, our Lord Jesus
Thank you.
Father, I believe. I believe in your resurrection. I believe, you came to give life, and life abundantly.I know, because I am a life changed. The lifeI once lived, was dead. No true joy, I was lost.But there is life, when we believe and know you. I am grateful. In Jesus name, Amen
prayerofgod@comcast.net Elena's E-mail http://home.comcast.net/~prayerofgod/index.htmlHome of "A Prayer of Hope"
http://home.comcast.net/~prayerofgod/prayerofsalvationlink1.htmSalvation Prayer to share, freely, for those Prayer of Hope....
Narration Prayer of Hope: Where my heart longs to behttp://home.comcast.net/~poetryofhope/wheremyheartis.htm
The Best of God ~ A testimony of how God answers prayers......http://home.comcast.net/~poetryofhope/ThebestofGod1.htm
Prayer of God MinistriesP.O. Box 1033Wheatridge, Co 80034